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10 Health Benefits Of Mullein Tea You Should Know

 Mullein plant has been used over the years as a medical recipe plant, mullein plant existence can be traced to North Africa, Asia, Europe, China, British Isles, Scandinavia, Siberia and Southern Himalayas. In this article we will be discussing on what a mullein tea is, it's health benefits, side effects and also how to prepare the mullein tea recipe.

What Is Mullein Tea?

Mullein tea is a native tea recipe made from the mullein plant, the scientific name for mullein is known as Verbascum thapsus. The ancient Greek called mullein fluma and flego, meaning “to set fire.” because the Greeks usually dries and rolls the mullein leafs to use as wicks on oil lamps. The word mullein was taken from the Middle English word moleyn, which means soft. The scientific meaning of mullein (Verbascum) is a modification of the Latin word barbascum, which means bearded. This is because of the furry foliage nature of mullein.

The mullein plant can grow up to three meters tall and has been used by several countries for different health remedies. The Native American Indians tribes usually uses the mullein plant tea recipe for treating of health conditions like inflammation, colds and rheumatism.

 The plant was considered to be anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and expectorant. The properties contained in the mullein plant (demulcent and astringent) was found useful for treating diarrhea.

  The root was dried and made as tooth charms for infants and young children. It's tea was used as a remedy for coughs and persistent swelling of larynx. An infusion of the root was used to treat renal troubles, and a leg bath was made if there was ever water retention in the lower body. Herbal tea's which were made from the mullein plant roots was used to treat infections and apologize on foot's of athlete's.

To reduce swelling and relieve pain, mullein leaf was also squeezed and rubbed on sprains, bruises, and rheumatic pains, the leaf was also soaked in warm water and applied to swollen glands. 

10 Health Benefits Of Mullein Tea

Health Benefits Of Mullein Tea

In this heading we will be looking at some of the health benefits that can be extracted from mullein tea today.

 1. Treatment of Cold and Flu

Mullein tea is a recommended recipe for person's suffering from cold and flu because the plant contains some level of saponins which helps in reducing the amount of mucus produced in the human body, reduces congestion and thereby suppressing cold and flu.

 2. Treatment of Tuberculosis

In the early 16th century in Europe mullein tea was used as a supplement to treat tuberculosis. A research conducted in St. Vincent’s hospital, Birmingham, England confirmed that mullein plant had relieved the symptoms of several tuberculosis patients and it's believed that if mullein plant was used at the initial stage of tuberculosis it would bring about full recovery.

 3. Anti-bacterial Effects

The anti bacterial properties in mullein plant (verbascosides) could be used in treating several infections such as Staph infections and growth of mycobacterium.

 4. Treatment of Respiratory Disorder

The mullein tea is very effective for treatment of respiratory disorders, Mullein is regarded beneficial for healing and protection of respiratory disorders and breathing problems. The mullein leaf is also used for cure and treatment of pulmonary disturbances.

 It is recommended for patients having a tight and wheezy hacking cough, especially when the wheezy cough tends to appear and disappear which is suggestive of the fact that it is beginning to become chronic.

 5. Treatment of Digestive Disorder

Mullein tea is found useful for treating of digestive disorder, drinking the mullein tea can cure several digestive problems such as constipation, bladder infections, diarrhea and hemorrhoids. It can also be used to get rid of intestinal worms. 

 6. Relieves Cramps

Mullein tea contains anti-spasmodic traits that can help in reducing and relieving stomach and menstrual cramps that came as a result of gastric distress.

 7. Contains Sedative Properties

Mullein tea contains some good amount of natural sedative properties which is beneficial for treatment of anxiety, stress and insomnia.

 8. Contains Antiseptic Properties 

Mullien leaf is beneficial as an antiseptic for little burns and open wounds. Just take an infusion of the flowers and apply it on the cuts, wounds and burns, it will not only smoothen the skin but it will also help in healing the wound faster than most drugs. Mullein leaf is also beneficial for skin infections such as ringworm.

 9. Contains Many Vitamins 

There are several many benefits of drinking tea made from leaves of the mullein plant. Mullein is very rich in many vitamins such as vitamins B2, B5, B12, vitamin E and vitamin D. 

This vitamins helps in boosting your overall health performance and helps in increasing the absorption of calcium in the human body. 

Mullein tea is a beneficial tea recipe that helps boosts content of minerals, flavonoids and choline in body. Your daily magnesium contents is assured in your body if you take a daily dose of the mullein tea. 

10. Helps in Weight Loss

The mullein tea contains B group vitamins which usually regulates your hunger patterns and bring about weight loss. If you are trying to lose a few pounds, prepare a cup of mullein tea and drink it daily.

Side Effects Of Mullein Tea

We have spent some good time looking at some of the important benefits of mullein tea and how it is very beneficial in the human body. In our next paragraph we will be looking at some of the side effects of taking mullein tea which can come due to allergies or even excess consumption. 

 1. Seed Toxicity

Mullein seed contains a very high rotenone. The rotenone is a very harmful and toxic when consumed and digested it is more risky if it is consumed regularly or on daily basis. A research conducted by Pesticides Database (PAN) proves that regular intake of rotenone is capable of inducing diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps or convulsions. It is recommended that you ensure you have properly removed the mullein seeds from the flowers when preparing mullein tea recipe.

Breastfeeding mothers or women should avoid regular or daily intake of the mullein tea recipe due to the potential side effects.

 2. Skin Irritation

Mullein leaf is usually used as cure for wounds and other skin infections. But, some studies has shown that while squeezing the mullein leaf and applying the extract on wounds and cuts it may lead to skin reactions and bring about skin problems such as; skin rashes, redness and other severe skin problems.

 3. Breathing Problems

Regular intake of mullein tea may bring about some side effects in the respiratory system such as difficulty during inhalation, constriction in the chest, and tightness of the throat and chest wall inflammation.

How To Prepare Mullein Tea Recipe

Here is a detailed guide on how to prepare the mullein tea recipe;

  • Take two teaspoons of dried flowers or leaves.
  • Put a cup of water on fire and allow to boil, when the water begins to boil put the mullein leaves and dried flowers in it.
  • Cover the boiling pot or kettle and allow to boil for about ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Use a filter or shifter to filter the boiled tea well and make sure you filter the mullein tiny hairs so they don't cause or bring about allergies or throat irritation.
  • Add your desired milk or honey to taste well.


Make sure you consult your doctor or health specialists before consuming the mullein tea recipe to avoid side effects or allergies.



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